Saturday 22 March 2014

Deutsch or Doitz ?

So true, I want to discuss about Deutsch  ( or Doitz ? rawr )
Ich haiße nutti. Ich bin eine Schülerin. Ich gehe in die Gymnasium.
Those means ;
I called nutti. I am a female student. I go to the High School.
Um, I wanna share about the reading technique. Let's make it easier :
  • haiße reads hi - sae ; ß stands for 'ss'
  • Ich reads e - heeh ; read it both continued-quickly, it will produce a right pronunciation.
  • bin stills bin
  • eine reads eye - ne ; the e's pronuciation in ne same as e's pronunciation in the
  • Schülerin reads school - lareen
  • gehe reads gew - yew 
  • Gymnasium reads Gym - na - see - oum 
It will be more easier to Indonesian than American or British, because there are some difference of the pronunciation. In Deutsch, 'eu' reads 'oi' ( that is why I wrote Deutsch or Doitz ) and there are still some more. Alright, Danke für das Lesen! - Thank you for reading!

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