Saturday 22 March 2014

Deutsch or Doitz ?

So true, I want to discuss about Deutsch  ( or Doitz ? rawr )
Ich haiße nutti. Ich bin eine Schülerin. Ich gehe in die Gymnasium.
Those means ;
I called nutti. I am a female student. I go to the High School.
Um, I wanna share about the reading technique. Let's make it easier :
  • haiße reads hi - sae ; ß stands for 'ss'
  • Ich reads e - heeh ; read it both continued-quickly, it will produce a right pronunciation.
  • bin stills bin
  • eine reads eye - ne ; the e's pronuciation in ne same as e's pronunciation in the
  • Schülerin reads school - lareen
  • gehe reads gew - yew 
  • Gymnasium reads Gym - na - see - oum 
It will be more easier to Indonesian than American or British, because there are some difference of the pronunciation. In Deutsch, 'eu' reads 'oi' ( that is why I wrote Deutsch or Doitz ) and there are still some more. Alright, Danke für das Lesen! - Thank you for reading!

Thursday 20 March 2014


RED TOUR is coming to ASIA, cheers! (presented by Cornetto)
Exciting yup? Taylor Swift barely wants to visit Asia, espesially visit for a concert. Sooo Congrats to those city who announced to be the next country that Taylor's going to rock, yeay! Those countries are Japan(1/6), ndonesia(4/6), Philippines(6/6), Thailand(9/6), Malaysia(11/6) and Singapore(12/2). Yes, the tour will held this June so, safe your money and keep your eyes on the latest update from For Indonesian Swifties, here is the set seat including the price. Yes, Red Tour Indonesia seat plan and prices. Hope we can meet up there!!

Tuesday 18 March 2014


hell-o this blog is just about me, myself, i, and you. welcome!👯🎆 
Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest. 
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe